๐Ÿ›ก๏ธSecurity Audits


Pixelisland token part was adapted from THENA codebase๏ผŒit has been audited by PeckShield. You can read the report here:


And THENA was adapted from Velodrome codebase, which is directly derived from the Solidly smart contracts that have been open sourced in March 2022. The AMM part of Solidly has been audited by PeckShield that revealed 5 low-severity and 1 informal findings. There have been no security-related incidents involving Solidly smart contracts since their deployment on Fantom in February 2022.

The Velodrome codebase went through a security audit and a peer review as part of a Code4rena bug bounty contest. (https://code4rena.com/contests/2022-05-velodrome-finance-contest)

All high or medium risk issues were either resolved pre-deployment, except for one known issue (users can claim eligible rewards from ExternalBribe contracts more than once) that has been addressed via a wrapped contract solution.

The contracts have gone through a preliminary audit done by Crypton Studio.

Ongoing Bug Bounty

We will be launching a bug bounty program at launch. Full details TBA.


All treasury funds and contract modifications will be made through the team multi-sig wallet.

Last updated