Gold are used as currency for the exchange of items dropped in the game. There is no limit to the total amount, and they are mainly generated through hero mining professional tasks. When the item is synthesized, it is consumed, and when the consumption is greater than the output, it will automatically deflate. Output calculation formula: Heroes are mining professions:

Output=(86316+2159hero mining skill value + 345(hero stamina value+hero stamina value))/(43200-7200)

Heroes are not mining professions:

Output=(86316 + 95 + 2159hero mining skill value + 345(hero stamina + hero stamina))/43200

Note: Gold coins are ERC1155 assets and need to be converted into ERC20 assets before being exchanged with MAGIC. During this process, cooling time is required.such action is subject to a cooldown period or charging a fee (Surrender Tax)*,

ยท 0-7 day cooldown โ€“ 50% fee

ยท 7-14 day cooldown โ€“ 25% fee

ยท โ‰ฅ14 day cooldown - 2% fee

Last updated